TranSigma - Delivering Process Excellence
TranSigma uses world-class process improvement techniques to streamline processes
Authored By:
CIO Bulletin
December 5, 2022
Businesses aim to improve their productivity and efficiency at every stage. Business performance depends on the efficiency of its processes. Running multiple programs concurrently, each meant to create change within the business to foster growth through innovation and market expansion, efficiencies, and digital transformation, can be very challenging.
Organized and streamlined business processes ensure better and predictable business outcomes. Continuous business improvement starts with understanding business processes, simplifying them, and creating new programs to run the strategized vision.
While program management through the collaboration of similar projects or organizing projects under the same umbrella can be effective, effective program management ensures people and teams focus and collaborate across departments to achieve a shared strategic vision.
Executing strategy and streamlining processes can be difficult due to some uncertainty. Therefore, outsourcing program management and process streamlining to program managers can help the organization ensure alignment to priorities and shifting priorities across the organization.
TranSigma is one of the most innovative firms to hire to streamline your processes and manage your programs. TranSigma uses Lean, Agile, Six Sigma, and other world-class process improvement techniques to streamline and digitize new process designs. Specialized in-house functional skills are fully integrated with every aspect. The firm’s program management expertise is then utilized to lead, manage and execute those changes. TranSigma’s change management experts ensure stakeholders, employees, and customers fully engage in the transition.
In conversation with Richard Metz, Partner and Cybersecurity Practice Lead at TranSigma, and Ryan Metz, Sr. Partner and Process Excellence Practice Lead at TranSigma
Q. What is the abridged history of TranSigma?
TranSigma began nearly 20 years ago as a technology-focused consultancy supporting the banking and financial services industries. We have evolved, mainly with our clients, into a broader business and process transformation firm, servicing most industry verticals. Our founders and current leaders have deep experience in consultancy and industry, enabling us to understand our client’s needs and expectations truly understand our client’s needs and expectations.
Q. Six Sigma and Agile methodologies can be seen as conflicting approaches. How does TranSigma combine the two to re-engineer processes?
Process improvement via Six Sigma evokes images of endless value-stream maps and detailed statistical analyses that would have most people running for the door. Process improvement in large-scale organizational change is far more organic and opportunistic, which aligns perfectly with an Agile approach. While implementing new technology or service invariably finds numerous opportunities to improve daily operations via automation, i.e., data or simple process improvements. These can be implemented quickly, given a modicum of testing, review, and approval.
Q. TranSigma is a management consulting firm focusing on the “execution of strategy.” Elaborate on what you mean by “execution of strategy”?
Large enterprises tend to look towards big brand-name consultancies or area specialists for strategy development. In cases where an enterprise seeks to deliver these strategies, they often find that what looked great on paper does not make sense in their organization. We understand industry best practices, but it usually takes much flexibility to adapt these to a given culture or environment. Back to our roots in large corporations, we understand the dynamics and challenges of delivering change, so we continuously find ways to build stakeholder support across the board. Additionally, we have a high data- and process-driven approach that delivers results quickly and cost-effectively.
Q. Do you have any new services coming online soon?
We have recently launched our process mining practice in partnership with industry leader Celonis. We are developing a Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) offering that should be ready early in 2023.
Our Process Mining practice provides our clients with a focused set of services that employs Celonis’ EMS suite of products to unlock vast amounts of business value with minimal investment. The perfect marriage of our core process engineering capabilities and an industry-leading toolset enables us to deliver improvements and cost savings in significantly less time.
VMaaS is a larger portfolio of microservices covering the entire vulnerability management (VM) landscape. We provide strategic, operational, and technical products and services with key partners in every significant VM area.
Our initial offerings will focus on overall strategy and planning, assessments & scanning, asset management, data analytics, and orchestration. A primary USP is our VM orchestration engine which uses proprietary knowledge and logic to reduce the cost and effort required to remediate third-party software vulnerabilities.
Q. You mentioned Process Mining – what exactly is that?
Ask any Lean /Six Sigma practitioner over the past 50 years, “What is the most difficult aspect of process improvement?” and most will tell you that it is the acquisition and analysis of sufficient, accurate data to make genuinely quantitative decisions around process improvement. It is reasonably straightforward to map even the most complex processes, given the correct stakeholders, but understanding the actual value stream can be very problematic. Without easily accessible data across an end-to-end process, this can require costly efforts such as data-gathering exercises, time studies, and data engineering programs. This is usually the point in a process improvement program where the science ends, and the more... relationship oriented... approaches begin.
Process mining in today’s form seeks to accelerate and automate the solution to these challenges. Rather than mapping processes on a whiteboard with a small forest’s worth of Post-It notes, process owners can use software like Celonis to ingest data from various systems and track the flow of items through a particular business process. Thus, process mining maps not only the “intended” process but also every acceptable and unacceptable variation.
Leading TranSigma to provide excellence in project management services:
Richard Metz is a partner and Cybersecurity Practice Lead at TranSigma. He is a champion of people in large organizations who have great ideas but need help in getting them recognized and realized.
Ryan Metz is a senior partner and Process Excellence Practice Lead at TranSigma. He and his teams have delivered innovations across corporate governance, PMO execution, shared services, legal, and cybersecurity.“Looking for that simple, brilliant process? That’s where we come in.”
About The Author(s)
CIO Bulletin
CIO Bulletin is an interactive, preeminent leadership platform serving as a central resource for information on Business & Information Technology (IT) leaders and their entrepreneurial ventures. From celebrating innovation to identifying best practices and providing a forum for today’s CIOs and other technology decision makers, CIO Bulletin aspires to keep its readers informed about how the techie giants, governments and consumers are unfurling organizational innovation in the Business & IT world.